About the Server

World map of MadMiners Season 2

The season 2 seed map

Technical Information

  • Server Owner: MadMaddie81
  • Server Host: NodeCraft
  • Server Node Location: Amsterdam
  • Launch date: 22/02/2021
  • Platform: Bedrock
  • Allow List: By invite only
  • Current World Seed: -1210926607
  • Spawn Location: 1140, 127, -1380
  • Render Distance: 18 chunks
  • Simulation Distance: 6 chunks
  • Difficulty: Hard
  • Cheats: Off
  • Fire Spreads: Off
  • Achievements: On

Server Rules

Be Good

No stealing or grieving of any kind.
Be respectful of other players, their belongings and their builds.
Clean up your messes and don't pvp without consent.
Basically don't do anything that will take away from another player's experience on the server.

Don't Hack/Cheat

Don't try to access the server console, install cheaty datapacks or in any other way give yourself an unfair advantage.
If you can't enjoy the game without cheating, maybe you should choose to play something else.
Using aids like ChunkBase or checking stuff up in a creative copy of the world is ok though.

Don't Lag Down the Server

Make sure that your redstone farms has an off-switch and keep the size of your farms within reason.
Nobody needs a farm that spits out 10.000 items/hour.

Trust Is the Key

We will trust everybody until you give us a reason not to.
Anyone can misread a price sign in a shop or accidentally explode a creeper in someone else's build.
As long as you are upfront about it and compensate the owner you'll be fine. Everyone makes mistakes.
However, if you deny something that you actually did no one will trust you anymore, and we can't have distrust on the server.

Datapacks Used On MadMiners

Behaviour Packs

  • One Person Sleep: One person can skip the night for everyone.
  • Anti Enderman Grief: Endermen can't pick up blocks.
  • Mini Blocks: Collectible mini blocks can be bought from the wandering trader.
  • Mobheads: Chance of all mobs dropping their head when killed. Chance increases with fortune.
  • Adjustable Armour Stands: Armour stands can be altered to create dioramas.
  • Anti Door Grief: Zombies, husks, drowned, zombie villagers, zombie piglins, piglins and piglin brutes can't break or open doors.
  • Armour Stand Markers: By giving an armour stand a banner and changing its pose it can display spawn spheres, chunk borders, compass, distance between player and marker, current in game day, time of day, player's FPS, coordinates and corresponding nether coordinates.

Resource Packs

  • Brightness Pack: This pack brightens up the world and makes all colours more vibrant by changing the way light hits the blocks.
  • Terrain Blocks Sides: Grass, mycelium, paths, podzol, snow and nylium show the top texture also on the sides of the block.
  • Darker Dark Oak Leaves: Makes dark oak leaves distinguishable from oak leaves.
  • Less Rain and Snow Particles: For better vision.
  • Sound Changes: Quieter rain, portals and pistons.
  • Borderless Stained Glass: Removes the edges of stained glass blocks and panes. Clear glass and tinted glass still have borders.
  • Directional Hoppers and Observers: Indicators on hoppers and observers tells what direction they are pointing and if they're powered or not.
  • Sticky Piston Sides: Displays slime on the sides of sticky pistons so they can be differentiated from regular pistons.
  • Invisible Item Frames: Placed item frames are invisible. Remember where you place them or you will lose them. Glow item frames are still visible.
  • No Particles: No particle effect from potions or beacons.
  • Lower Shields: Shields take up less screen space when in first person mode.
  • Transparent Pumpkin Overlay: Better visibility when wearing carved pumpkins.
  • No Vingette: Removes the dark edges that appears on screen when on low Y-levels.
  • Sound Changes: Quieter rain, pistons and portals.