MadMiners SMP header text

Welcome to

MadMiners SMP

Your home in the Minecraft Multiverse

Peace & Safety

On the MadMiners SMP you can mine your resources and build your builds in peace.
When you log off for the day you can be assured that everything will be as you left it when you return next time.
You won't need to hide away your valuables from grievers.
We are very picky with when choosing new members.

Maddie's house with a pretty garden

Inclusive & Diverse Community

It doesn't matter what background, nationality, gender, religion, shoe size or prefered pizza toppings you might have.
Here being weird is a good thing.
We all share our love for Minecraft and in this game there is no room for hate.
To play with us you have to be 18+.

MadMiners fighting the ender dragon during the big Dragon Marathon

High Quality Server

MadMiners SMP is located on a dedicated Bedrock server that can be accessed from Win 10, PS4/5, Xbox, Switch, iOS and Android.
We play on hard mode and have no cheats avtivated. However, we do have a number of quality-of-life data packs installed.
The server is usually updated within hours of a new update being released and backups are automatically made every 4 hours.

Industrial area with automatic redstone farms